As a part of „Juuu-huuu! Praznici su idemo u muzeje! “ program organized in collaboration of the City of Split and museums, the Museum of Fine Arts is organizing the following workshops:
Little Printmaking Workshop „Engraving – Play with Copper“
January, 5th 2015 / Start at 10 A.M.
Duration: 120 min
Age: 7th and 8th grades of primary school and high school
Goal of the workshop is to introduce engraving and help students transform the knowledge into their own print. Inspiration can be found at the exhibition The Dr. Ivo Tartaglia Collection which is currently on display at the museum. Large number of various prints can be found at the exhibition, together with valuable paintings and sculptures. Workshop will be led by prof. Mila Radišić.
Workshop: Make a Movie!
Video workshop inspired by the collection exhibition
January, 7th 2015 / Start at 11 A.M. / Age: 5th to 8th grade primary school
January, 8th 2015 / Start at 11 A.M. / Age: 5th to 8th grade primary school
January, 9th 2015 / Start at 11 A.M. / Age: high school
Duration: 120 min.
All students must have their own mobile phones that can record videos.
Students will be given an introduction into the permanent museum collection and choose an artwork that they find to be most interesting. After the discussion about the chosen works and search for individual inspiration, students will be led through a short process of creation of their own film that will then be recorded with their mobile phones. Individual imagination will be accentuated throughout the whole process, as well as students' personal interests in art.
Previous registration to all workshops is obligatory.
Register at 021/ 350 117 during museum opening times.