Jiří Valoch (Brno, 1946), a theoretician of art, curator, artist and poet; since 1963 creates visual and conceptual poetry. In addition to expressing himself in standard language, his practice includes textual installations, conceptual drawings, body and land art. Expanding the boundaries of visual and conceptual poetry, Valoch gradually, but steadily and radically, exceeds and blurs distinction between images and words. His work is usually realized in the form of text interventions of consistent typography. Text on paper, canvas, wall, floor or body creates a non-linear reading in order decided by each individual viewer / reader. Artist claims that in this way he creates situation for everyone’s subjective experience.

Jiří Valoch lives and works in Brno.

The exhibition is organised thanks to the collaboration with Marinko Sudac Collection www.avantgarde-museum.com