„In mythology, ravens have frequently been related to mind and thoughts, possibly because of their immense sharpness of mind. Darja Ikica sets the relation between ravens and mind into new context in which the mind is being deconstructed, attacked and stripped bare so that the observer of the artwork could truly face oneself. In order to achieve this, the space has been converted into claustrophobic room with portraits of ravens hanging down from its walls. Their eyes look like they pierce through the mind of the observers, analyse it and force them to face everything that is hidden in depth of their thoughts.

…If you look deeper into ravens and give into their stunning effect with the sound of halucinogenic voices, the observer is in danger of collapsing. In the very end, the point of the artwork is to collect enough mental strength to confront our own – as C.G. Jung explains… - shadow.“

(Dora Derado, curator)

„Artist Darja Ikica wants to convey to us her own feelings, fears and insecurity, In the process, she uses the sound that simulates schizophrenia and images of black ravens. By connecting the strenght of visual and auditory, she tries to make a deep impression on the audience. Maybe she wants to wake us up or warn that all of us have our own fears and insecurities in our „little“ lives; that we are helpless, miserable and scared as human individuals.

That kind of psychologisation of the contemporary world, society and interhuman relationship is author's obsession which she expresses in this artwork using interactive relations of colours and birds…“

(Danijela Jonjić, sociologist associate)

Darja Ikica (1992, Split)

Graduated in graphical design from the School of Fine Arts in Split. Currently a final year graduate student of Painting at the Academy of Arts in Split. Exhibited at several group exhibitions.

Dora Derado (1993, Split)

Graduated in pictorial design from the School of Fine Arts in Split. Currently a first year graduate student of Art History and English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Split. Organised and wrote forewords for several exhibitions..

Danijela Jonjić (1993, Split)

Graduated from Prirodoslovna gimnazija in Split. Currently a second year undergraduate student at the Faculty of Philosophy in Split.