Text: Leonida Kovač

Setting: Alen Floričić


For example: exhibition, exhibit, to exhibit, to exhibit oneself etc.

In the last couple of years, during the time of absence of anything that throughcertain theoretical apparatus or adequate institutional framework would not be possible to call art, the work of Alen Floričić imposed itself upon me as one of the most interesting phenomena in Croatian art scene. In the absurd situation, the hopeless time of (re)construction of history, more precisely of applying sense to recent events, or if we insist, to social processes, there is before me a work whose narrative structure constitutes the absurd itself as an explicit object of representation. What is and where is the absurd? Absurd – that is me. Why not? (...)

Leonida Kovač

Alen Floričić was born in 1986 in Pula (Istria, Croatia). Graduated art from Departement of Sculpture of the University in Rijeka (class of prof. Žarko Violić)in 1993. He is a member of HDLU and teaches at the School of Applied Arts and Design in Pula. Unti8l 1995 he worked with the traditional painting sculptural media. Since then he executes installations, enviroments and urban interventions with the dominant use of video media.