Assistant curator: Lana Beović

Elgaland-Vargaland is an art project by Swedish artists Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Leif Elggren and is also the largest and most populous realm on Earth, incorporating all boundaries between other nations as well as Digital Territory and other states of existence. The Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland [KREV] were proclaimed on May 27th 1992. Various sections and aspects of life were annexed and proclaimed as the territory of the infant state. Elgaland-Vargaland consist of all Border Territories: Geographical, Mental & Digital. Every time you travel somewhere, and every time you enter another form, such as the dream state, you visit Elgaland-Vargaland. In its 24-year existence, the project has – through its humorous approach to various government functions – opened a number of relevant questions: what does it mean to be a member of a nation, who has the right to occupy private parts of one's life and mind, how far does political power reach, etc.

Hausswolff and Elggren print their own currency, official stamps and issue passports to new citizens, as well as establish Elgaland-Vargaland embassies all around the world, which they will do for the first time in Croatia in the Museum of Fine Arts in Split.

Ukoliko želite postati stanovnik KREV-a molimo da u Veleposlanstvu KREV-a, Galerija umjetnina, Ulica kralja Tomsialva 15, Split; ispunite Zahtjev za državljanstvo i predate ga uz dvije osobne fotografije.

Leif Elggren was born in 1950 in Linkoping, Sweden. Since the late 1970s, Elggren's art practice combines performance, electronic music, visual arts and writting. Elggren lives and works in Stockholm.

Carl Michael von Hausswolff was born in 1956 in Linkoping, Sweden. Since the late 1970s, Hausswolff's art practice combines performance, electronic music, visual arts, curating and writting. Hausswollf lives and works in Stockholm.

On view till 27 April 2016, the embassy continues to work.
