Organized by: HULU - Split / Croatian Association of Visual Artists, Split
- Why It Is Important To Collect Contemporary Art
Curated by Branko Franceschi
Museum of Fine Arts / opening 6.10.2018. at 12: 00 a.m.
- Selling Exhibition of Split's artists
Salon Galić / opening 10.10. 2018 at 8: 00 p.m.
- A Site for Art
Curated by Božo Kesić
Substartractions of Dicoletian's Palace / 12.10. 2018 at 8:00 p.m.
- In Memoriam: the exhibition of late Dalmatian artists
Curated by Tonči Šitin
Multimedia Cultural Center / opening 19.11.2018. at 8.00 p.m.
The Split Salon is the largest and longest lasting art manifestation in Split. The Salon was established in 1969 and is presently the most important collective art exhibition in Dalmatia. Exhibitions and accompanying events of the Split Salon are held in number of exhibition spaces as well as in public space. In addition to the exhibition program selected by curators for gallery spaces, the Salon organizes discussions and lectures on some particular topics. The contemporary Split salon is biennial manifestation aiming to reflect turbulent state of social change. It endorses activism and new art production and thus enables visual artists to refer to the social reality and participate in its creation.