Photography and video:
Darko Škrobonja
Prostorne Taktike d.o.o.
In collaboration with:
Leon Grubišić and Luka Čulić / Melita Peharda Uljević, Ivica Vilibić and Sanja Matić-Skoko (Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split) /// Alma Harašić Bremec and Željko Neven Bremec (ACMER, Split)
Production: Arts Academy, University of Split
More than ever in human history, the era of "the Anthropocene" (or «the Capitalocene») provides opportunities for extreme scenarios, not in some far but rather in the near future, i.e. the mid- 21st century. The intention of the project is to use speculative design approach in order to present possible alternative scenarios for the expected climate futures, or the scenarios that could prepare us for such post-apocalyptic future. The intention is also to try to provide methods and tools that might assist individuals and the community in the construction of life after the disaster.
Global climate change in the second half of the 21st century have accumulated and resulted in extreme changes of life and economic conditions in the eastern parts of the Adriatic. From 2030 to 2045, tourism, as one of the basic economic sectors in this geographic region, disappeared completely and large portion of the population fled towards the in-land and the northern parts of Europe. Those who stayed have started developing new lifestyles in their attempt to rebuild urban life in old historical towns and cities. Extreme climate conditions proved bearable for a number of resistant sea organisms, first of all, single-celled algae, brine shrimps and sea anemones. Therefore, as the central square of the historical urban core, Peristil was converted into a farming pool. Surrounding buildings are used for production: drying, preserving, packaging and preparation for distribution.
Project is supported by the City of Split.